Why Work with Ruth Schimel?

Ruth Schimel PhD, Career & Life Management Consultant and Author, offers expert guidance to attend to your unique patterns of strengths and interests as foundations for choice and action.

This includes:

  • Showing how to integrate and appreciate your complexity for focusing
  • Using her original tools to enrich collaborative insights and creative conversations for current decision making and independent future actions
  • Making your authenticity and potential apparent as a basis for wise, ambitious choices about work, purposes, relationships and preferred lifestyle
  • Addressing practical issues and blocks to action as part of designing viable plans and strategies
  • Enjoying using current and new strengths, imagination and connections to generate meaningful, concrete possibilities

Explore Ruth’s Services


Uncertainty and curiosity about work situations have benefits when guided explorations and experiences lead to self-knowledge. This foundation focuses effective transitions that integrate unfolding interests, needs, talents and strengths. To continue thriving and taking action, also consider five other options to adapt with Ruth’s assistance.


Whether chosen or not, transitions in your situation and environment are likely. So, take incremental steps to what you want by addressing blocks and hopes. By starting now, you’ll be more likely to use and express your gifts and interests as well as to address unfolding needs, vision and mission for the future.


Continuing skill development is key for effective quality of life, work and relationships. This process supports fulfilling goals and sustaining brain vitality in dynamic, uncertain situations especially. Expand and deepen transferable, interpersonal, managerial and leadership skills; ways to learn new content skills are addressed separately.

Contact Ruth for a free consult

“When I was struggling to find a new career direction, Ruth Schimel provided a structured process of self-discovery, along with compassionate and perceptive coaching as I worked through the process. The result was a new career that I love!”

— JS, 48, Divorce Mediator,
(formerly a practicing lawyer)

Ruth Schimel’s “Choose Courage” Collection

Ruth’s 21st-century definition of courage from her research:

“Courage is a process of becoming that involves the willingness to realize your true capacities by going through discomfort, fear, anxiety, or suffering and taking wholehearted, responsible action.”

choose courage ruth schimel

“Choose Courage: Step Into the Life You Want” transforms what could just be a heroic cliché into actual ways you can realize your true capacities. Based on doctoral-level research with everyday people, Ruth Schimel has developed a 21st -century definition of courage. Instead of telling other people’s stories, this book shows how your own efforts at dealing with difficult or challenging situations already prove your capacity for courage. You’ll get the tools and guidance to build on your strengths and skills, whether or not you appreciate them entirely now. You’ll also benefit from an array of options for transcending emotional barriers.

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Meet Ruth Schimel, Ph.D.:

Distinctive Experience, Credentials, and Range

Dedication to realizing true capabilities to benefit others and myself is my motto. As you’ll see below, I walk this path by bridging the natural tensions between stability and change in work and life during these dynamic times. This process supports effective results with meaning and contributions for myself and my clients. Whether economic, political, social, national, or international, I think my range of experience across subjects and issues is vital for matching talents and dreams. In addition to data-driven focus and insights, this wide lens magnifies opportunities and integrates ways to meet goals, make a difference, and sustain successes over time.

Arrangements are easily made for consultations with clients from other areas of the United States and abroad.

ruth schimel

Ruth Schimel Ph.D. Translates Expertise and Experience Through:

Career and Life Management Consulting & Skill Development

Over 2,000 clients of varied ages, stages, and backgrounds have benefited from my personalized, effective career and life management services. With empathy and imagination, Ruth designs manageable strategies with her clients, focusing on strengths and self-sufficiency.

Management Consulting & University-Level Teaching

Online and phone approaches are tailored for guided collaborations and focused conversations. Powered by free supporting materials and seven books, a range of approaches include mutual mentoring, each-one-teach-one, and “unlearning.” Ruth inspires individuals, groups, and organizations to move beyond blocks.

Education & Writing

Ruth graduated from Cornell University, ILR, and received Masters and Ph.D. degrees from George Washington University. Her dissertation research on how everyday people discover and express their capacity for courage provided a basis for “Choose Courage: Step Into the Life You Want.”

Community Service

Started in 1998 with a vibrant Board, The Schimel Lode reflects Ruth’s parents’ values and community commitment. Together they manage a nontraditional foundation model focusing on collaboration and innovation for the public good in the Washington, DC area. As a Board member, Ruth also consults on professional and community projects and programs.

International Experience

Previously a U.S. diplomat working in India, Ecuador, and Guatemala, Ruth was chief of the consular section in Calcutta (now Kolkata). As a Foreign Service Officer at the State Department in Washington, DC, she led executive development, and the human resource management division. Ruth also wrote political, economic, and social analyses related to Latin America and Caribbean regions.

Ruth Helps You Answer these Important Questions:

  • Am I good match for my current job?
  • Where am I going next? How do I get there?
  • What is my greatest potential and how can I reach it?
  • How can I best fit together the pieces of the workplace/home life puzzle?
  • How can I make the time to attain my career?

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